The inaugural Sunset Kaleidoscope Cruise!
Boy did we have a good time! Everyone got to meet a new dyer, Marlee from KnittheHolidays, and peruse her beautiful yarns; mingle with new and old knitting/crocheting/weaving friends; cruise for 3 hours on beautiful Lake Mendota and have a chance to win some great door prizes! Guests on the upper deck had the upper hand in the door prize department, I think 7 of the 9 drawings went to someone up top. It was not rigged, I swear 😁 The staff of the Excellabella were great, and took very good care of us. The weather could have been better, but we had a good time despite it!
Here are pictures from the day, I hope to see some of yours soon!
We will be hosting another Sunset Kaleidoscope Cruise on September 24th, stay tuned for more details. If you want to be the first to hear about tickets as they become available, subscribe to my newsletter. Newsletter subscribers always get news about events and sales before I post it on social media!